Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Beauty - Word Nails

What you will need:
*Light Colored Polish
*Base Coat 
*Top Coat
*Rubbing Alcohol or Vodka
*Small Ceramic Dish

1. Find a section in a newspaper that you want to copy onto your nails and cut it out. Make sure you cut the pieces to cover each of your nails. maybe you could try using the crossword puzzle, advertisements, or comic strips for some awesome shapes.

2. Varnish your nails by applying a base coat followed by two coats of a nail color of your choice. Use a lighter color, such as pastels, so that your print is visible.

3. Pour rubbing alcohol, or vodka, into a small dish. Once your nails are dry, briefly soak them in alcohol. You can also use vodka as an alternative because this liquid tends to not be as harsh on your polish. 

4. Cover your nails with the ten small pieces of paper you cut out earlier. Press down firmly and hold it still for about thirty seconds. Remove the small pieces of paper slowly, so that all of the print is transferred onto your nail. 

5. Let your nails dry and apply a top coat to finish them off. I would like to suggest a clear polish with sparkles, just to add a little shimmer into the mix! 

(photos courtsey of pinterest.com)

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